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Monday, July 8, 2013

7 days in Moloka'i so far

1 island, 38 miles long

3,000 stars above us every night

5 AM sunrise to wake us in the morning

25 acres of food forest

47 mosquito bites on us together

4 mangoes, 3 apple bananas, and 2 passion fruit each breakfast

23 tilapia in the front yard pond

30 species of food plants to tend

16 miles to and from the only town on a pair of clunky bikes

2 wasp nests in our shack

4 friendly smiles to work with from dawn to dusk

1000 toad creeps to put us asleep (or keep us awake)

2 guys on an adventure

An infinite amount of life and beauty on the horizon

- Ping & Ming

Thursday, June 27, 2013

NYC Roots (ep.1)

Ming and Ping visit the food melting pot of the world, New York City, and have lunch at a Chinatown favorite, 'Prosperity Dumplings'.

It Takes Two

A music video about duality and brotherhood in movies/anime.
First montage I made using Premiere Pro CS6, so tell me your suggestions!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


A food-stained journal about two guys who don't know when to stop eating!